
Help me to continue my study out of Lebanon !
Help me ! أنا شخص يسعى لتحقيق أحلامه بعد إنهاء دراستي الثانوية بعد شهرين، أهدف إلى متابعة تعليمي الجامعي في مجال الهندسة خارج لبنان ايّ في فرنسا . ولكن نظرًا للأوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية والأمنية في لبنان، وارتفاع تكاليف المعيشة، فقد قررت البحث عن فرصة لمواصلة تعليمي خارج لبنان. تفكيري يتّجه نحو فرنسا لمواصلة دراستي، حيث يمكنني الاستقرار وتحقيق طموحاتي. ومن أجل ذلك، أحتاج إلى دعم مالي لتغطية رسوم الجامعة وتكاليف المعيشة في المرحلة الأولى، لأنني لا أملك القدرة المالية الكافية لتحمل هذه التكاليف وعائلتي تواجه ضغوطًا مالية كبيرة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لا توفر في لبنان الفرص والإمكانيات اللازمة لتحقيق طموحاتي في مجال العلمي المتعلق بالجامعة بسبب عجز الجامعات الحكومية و الرسمية عن العمل بأكثر الأوقات . لذا، فإن الحصول على دعم مالي سيكون حاسمًا لي للبدء في رحلتي التعليمية وتحقيق أهدافي في الحياة. I am a person who worked to achieve their dreams . After completing my secondary education after 2 months , I am to pursue my university education in the field of engineering. However, due to the economic, social, and security situations in Lebanon, coupled with the high cost of living there, I have decided to seek opportunities to continue my education outside Lebanon in france . My thoughts are leaning towards France to continue my studies, where I can settle and fulfill my ambitions. Therefore, I need financial support to cover university fees and living expenses in the initial stage, as I do not have the sufficient financial capability to bear these costs and my family is facing significant financial pressures. Additionally, Lebanon's infrastructure does not provide the necessary opportunities and resources to achieve my aspirations in the field of engineering. Therefore, obtaining financial support will be crucial for me to embark on my educational journey and achieve my goals in life. Je suis quelqu'un qui s'efforce de réaliser ses rêves et aspirations dans la vie. Après avoir terminé mes études secondaires, je vise à poursuivre mes études universitaires dans le domaine de l'ingénierie. Cependant, en raison de la situation économique, sociale et sécuritaire au Liban, associée au coût élevé de la vie là-bas, j'ai décidé de chercher des opportunités pour poursuivre mes études en dehors du Liban. Mes pensées se dirigent vers la France pour continuer mes études, où je peux m'installer et réaliser mes ambitions. Par conséquent, j'ai besoin d'un soutien financier pour couvrir les frais de scolarité universitaire et les dépenses de subsistance dans la phase initiale, car je n'ai pas la capacité financière suffisante pour supporter ces coûts et ma famille est confrontée à d'importantes pressions financières. De plus, l'infrastructure du Liban ne fournit pas les opportunités et les ressources nécessaires pour réaliser mes aspirations dans le domaine de l'ingénierie. Par conséquent, obtenir un soutien financier sera crucial pour moi pour entreprendre mon parcours éducatif et atteindre mes objectifs dans la vie.

$0 raised of $15,000


Circus For The Displaced Children Of Artsakh
I am Paramaz Garabet Yepremian, the founder of Circus Hub, specializing in designing and manufacturing circus props, teaching circus arts, and performing. In response to the aftermath of the Artsakh war in 2020, I initiated a successful crowd funding campaign. This enabled me to travel from Lebanon to Armenia, conducting 12 circus art workshops and reaching 250 displaced children in December 2020. Building on that success, I extended my efforts to the Martakert region in Artsakh in September 2022, where I provided circus art workshops to children affected by the conflict. Despite numerous organizations addressing basic needs, there's a gap in providing essential play and education for these displaced children. In light of the current situation, where the entire Armenian population was deported from their homeland Nagorno Karabakh during the month of September 2023. With 26,400 children and their families in urgent need, I've committed to reaching out to 250 displaced children in Armenia and provide circus art workshops and shows. "Play is a universal language that transcends borders and heals wounds. In times of trauma, circus arts becomes a powerful tool for resilience. They instill confidence, foster creativity, and provide a safe space for expression. By supporting this campaign, you're not just funding my costs of travel in this trip; you're investing in the well-being and future of these resilient children." The funds raised will cover my travel expenses from Lebanon to Armenia and transportation within the country to reach children scattered across various regions. All campaign details and updates will be posted on an event page where you can follow and stay up to date: Facebook event page: (Donate Now to Help Bring Circus to The Displaced Children of The Artsakh War) For more information or inquiries, please reach out to me via email or WhatsApp. Contact details: [email protected], 0096181245146. You can also connect on Facebook (Paramaz Yepremian), Instagram (circus_hub), and visit our website at Your support can bring hope and joy to these children through circus art workshops and shows.

$5 raised of $1,000